
Isnin, 17 September 2012


 Teknik memperdaya yang tak menjadi.. Akhirnya,, tertangkap nak curi anak ikan saya!! Ceh..

Jumaat, 7 September 2012

Bayer Tationil Glutathione

Packaging :
4 ml distilled aqua x 10 ampoules and 600mg glutathione x 10 vials.

Benefits :
* Strong anti-oxidant to remove excess free radicals that will cause abnormal function of brain and organs.
* Treats neurodegenerative symptoms such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, stroke, irretate bowel and chronic fatigue.
* Reconstitutes the function of Vitamin C and E especially taken along with Vitamin C injection.
* Greatly reduce acne / blemish / pimple.
* Long term treatment for smokers and drinkers.
* Important as our body antioxidant, immune system booster and detoxifier.
* One of the master antioxidant that mostly found in liver.
* It reconstitutes Vitamin C and E which is being exidized.
* It eliminates toxic compound ( such as Paracetamol ) in liver.
* Combine taking with Vitamin C injection greatly enhance your immunity, reduces tiredness, stay healthy, lightening and youthful skin.
* Fights against the cancer, heart disease, premature aging, autoimmune disease and chronic illness.

Injection Method :
This product is administered by intravenously (IV).
1 or 2 ampoules / injection every week for 1 or 2 months (*depends on your metabolism).
Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintenance.
*** Suggest inject with Vitamin C to get best result.

Not Suitable For :
* Breast feeder.
* Injection on women period.
* Allergy to vitamin ( any kind ).
* Patient with cardiovascular problem.

Can Make Ordering with :
Dya Ina
+6019.718.4632 (sms 1st then can make a call)

Roche Laroscorbine Platinum

Packaging :
1g Vitamin C + 0.35 Plant Collagen / 5ml x 10 ampoules

Benefits :
* Whitens skin color.
* Fades discolorations hyperpigmentations of the skin such as liver spots, freckles, age spots or skin pigmentations that were caused by exposure to the sun or during pregnancy.
* Improves skin complexion.
* Maintain collagen.
* Replemish lost collagen when aged.
* Collagen is a fibrus protein, important in supporting tissue of our skin, bone, ligament, tendons, joints and organ support.
* Reduces our facial and skin fine lines or wrinkles. This is because it aims in producing the collagen, which is important to make our skin firm and provides elasticity.
* Maintains the production of cartilage and joints, improve elasticity of skin, makes more supple and moisture.

Injection Method :
This product is administered by intravenously (IV). 
1 or 2 ampoules / injection every week for 1 or 2 months. (*depends on your body metabolism).
Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintenance.
*** Suggest inject with Glutathione to get best whitening result.

NOT Suitable For :
* Breast feeder.
* Injection on women period.
* Allergy to vitamin (any kind).
* Patient with cardiovascular problem.

For Make Ordering:
Please contact,
Dya Ina
+6019.718.4632 (sms 1st then can make a call)